Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Death Penalty-Blog 5

How you would you feel if you were sitting on death row getting ready to get executed? Would you want to serve life in prison or would you just like to die? The issue of the death penalty is very controversial in my opinion. 34 states in the United States of America have the death penalty and somtimes they even have an express line for some hardcore criminals.

My opinion

I believe that they should get rid of the death penalty. I believe this because it wastes the taxes that we pay, it costs more money to execute a criminal than it does to keep that criminal in jail for life. I also believe that it sends the wrong message to people: why are we killing people who killed people to show that killing is wrong? That is a very hypocritical statement because if people see that the government is killing people and saying killing is wrong they will get confused. Even jurys are reluctant to make a coviction because they know the result will be the death penalty which in turn leaves these bad criminals on the street. The final reason that i believe that they should get rid of capital punishment is how they execute their prisoners. The first way and most common is lethal injection. This way is very effective and kills the prisoner with almost no pain. The next way is with electrocution, which in my opinion is cruel and unusual punishment. More than half than the time the prisoner experiences enormous amounts of pain and sometimes they did not die. Another way is with a gas chamber, that is disgusting and horrible considering how many jews that Hitler killed with gas chambers. Hanging is another way to execute the prisoners along with the firing squad.

Do you think that they should keep or remove capital punishment/the death penalty?


  1. Personally, I think capital punishment should be enforced. I feel that our tax dollars should be put towards something worthwhile, which will help us and not criminals. The point you make about the death penalty being very expensive is true. I don’t understand why it has to cost so much though. The justice system has to be able to find a way to put these criminals to rest in a cheaper more humane way.

  2. i'm with david on this one. Instead of our taxes going towards keeping killers in jail it should be used for a better purpose. So as jails need to expand capactiy our taxes will keep rising

  3. I think they should remove the death penalty because how are we to say he is guilty kill him. if we kill people we are saying it is ok to kill we are not doing the wight thing just lock them up for the rest of their lives in a 10x10 cell with a small pad and a blanket and leave them there. what would be better them just killing.
